UA-51566014-1 Catatan Harian: April 2016

Minggu, 24 April 2016


I need someone to talk about nothing. Drag me into endless laughter, to get to know that life itself is the most ridiculous joke. We need to be crazy to understand it.

I need someone who occupied my mind with nothing but smile. Maybe like an idiot. Wanna know why? Because I'm an imbecile who would cried over something if it doesn't has a good ending eventually.

I need someone who daft enough to ensure that happiness mere artificial. Anything that could be measured is not happiness. Anything that society called achievement is not happiness. Anything that makes people forget about themselves is not happiness. How come we would be happy if we are lost? Tell me how come. . . how can it be!

Then 'that crazy someone' would lecturing me that happiness is wordless. Happiness is we ourselves.

Since we are complete we don't need to describe a shit so called happiness.

I need a contagious laughter which filled up this labyrinth with silliness. The deep silliness which means everything.

I need a great crap that will trap me in delight. Crap yet genuine, as the sun which burn us up but we can do nothing because it's naturally important.

I. . .
 N. . .
   E. . .
     E. . .
       D. . .

Ah, it sounds like I need the whole universe. Everything.

Everything is nothing, isn't it?